1 09, 2022

The spin-off ENDO TOOLS THERAPEUTICS announces


ENDO TOOLS THERAPEUTICS  ANNOUNCES ITS FIRST sales of the endomina® systemAfter extensive experience in Europe, Endo Tools Therapeutics, a ULB spin-off resulting from the collaboration between gastroenterologists and eng [...]

The spin-off ENDO TOOLS THERAPEUTICS announces2022-09-05T20:23:18+02:00
15 02, 2022

Meet the Master : an interview of Prof. Jacques Devière by Dr. Marianna Arvanitaki


A meeting between the "Master" and his trainee : Prof. Jacques Deviere presented by Dr. Marianna Arvanitaki Realised in 2020 in the frame of GIE at the Erasmus hospital, this video presents the birth and the motivations [...]

Meet the Master : an interview of Prof. Jacques Devière by Dr. Marianna Arvanitaki2022-02-16T14:47:27+01:00

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