This project started as part of Gilles Decroly’s submission, based on a need identified by the EndoRuler project, developing an in-vivo distance measurement system and also being supported by the Michel Cremer Foundation.
Gilles Decroly is a researcher in the department of BEAMS (Bio-electro- and-Mechanical Systems) of the Ecole Polytechnique de l’ULB..
The need expressed by the medical team is to be able to operate catheters, thin tubes used in endoscopy. Operating them offers the possibility to bend and direct their end into the natural paths.
An innovative solution has been developed and studied, and the project has since been supported by the Michel Cremer Foundation.
Thanks to this, a poster describing the promising results of the solution was defended at the 17th National Day on Biomedical Engineering on 30 November 2018 in Brussels, and was awarded with the 2nd Poster Award.