Prof. Jean-Luc Van Laethem

After graduating from ULB with a medical degree in 1988, he specialized in gastroenterology, he obtained his diploma in 1994. He graduated as an associate of higher education from the ULB in 1996.
Since 2005 he used to be Head of the Digestive Oncology Clinic in the Gastroenterology Department of Erasmus Hospital (ULB). Since 2013, he was also Head of the Medical Oncology Department and Coordinator of the Oncology Care Program at Erasmus Hospital.
An internationally recognized specialist, his main activity is the coordination of the interdisciplinary management of patients with gastrointestinal cancer and the promotion of research and teaching in this field. His focus is pancreatic cancer and the development of platforms that integrate patient care and translational research.
His teaching activities cover participation in the ULB’s Gastroenterology and Oncology DES. He is also a member of the College of Teaching Certificate in Gastroenterology and a lecturer at ULB.
He is the author or co-author of more than 180 scientific publications in national and international journals as well as a promoter of a great number of thesis.