Developed by the engineer François Huberland, the MAGUS system (MAgnetic Gastrointestinal Universal Septotome) aims to treat via natural pathways rare diseases such as diverticulum.

MAGUS research’s output is medical device composed of 2 magnets linked by a wire.
This device is used in an endoscopic procedure allowing to make incisions in the digestive tract, compressing the tissues instead of cutting them, which achieves a more gradual cut, to reduce the risk of perforation.
Preliminary results of the first human uses of the device called MAGUS (MAgnetic Gastrointestinal Universal Septotome) were published in the journal Endoscopy
A dozen patients have already been successfully treated with this device awarded in 2021 « Innovation of the Year Award » by ESGE (the European Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy).
These original data suggest that the device is effective, safe and minimally invasive.
François defended his doctoral thesis on May 25th 2021: this defence is available on YOUTUBE.

It is a mechanism designed, created and developed thanks to the collaboration of
- engineers from the service BEAMS of the Ecole Polytechnique de Bruxelles,
- the BMDC research centre,
- physicians of the gastroenterology department of the Erasmus Hospital and
- the Champalimaud Foundation in Portugal.
This project was funded by Innoviris and is currently looking for partners to reach the CE mark.
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